Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Life is a lovely gift of our dearest God,
Our good Lord,
We must know that we are here to serve his purpose,
Life is not for us to repose,
We need to work really hard,
& live to his accord,
Life is meant to be loved, to be cared
To be shared,
In life there are mundane things,
The one's to life misery brings,
The only solace of life is love,
You can call it as the other name for life is love,
All mundane things may bring us joy,
But that will always pass by,
But love remains,
Love sustains,
It has no boundaries, no timing,
Death does not lead to separation, there will always be a binding,
Live a life full of love, the love which is selfless,
Which knows no business,
Its just caring,
Its just sharing,
Its just giving,
Its Just LOVING!!!
Smile at the world and the world will smile back,
This is the only way of getting joy, its the knack,
You want happiness give it,
You want joy give it,
You want a smile back give it,
You want a caring hand give it,
Give it such that it will be without expecting,
Without the motive of getting,
See what wonders it creates,
May you not get it from the world but this love God respects,
That happiness, that joy, that smile, that caring hand God will surely give you,
Dont loose on it, go for it, that true love that care is waiting for you!!!


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its very sensible and meaningful. its great!

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

so beautiful.....alone

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice One!!!

i was an alcoholic now i am in recovery and working in rehab center as peer educator at Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts, Alcoholics and Mild Psychological cases


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