Friday, March 10, 2006

He is there in every Bit of Nature around me!!!!

I was walking along the winding path in the beautiful landscape,
Not a single bit of it could my sight escape,
The soothing breeze reminded me of his touch,
The one which showed for me care much,
I looked at the majestic mountain peaks,
Those reminded me of his strength,
There were few decorations of fog on the mountain like streaks,
These streaks were hiding behind them the mountain's portion,
Creating in my mind a riddles notion.
That reminded me of his habbit of hiding from me unnecessary worries and things,
But guiding me every step and telling me what the next moment brings,
I sat on the stone next to the whooshing river,
Let my feet dip the cool water which made my body quiver.
That reminded me, that every moment we had been together,
May it had been joy, happiness or bother.
A flower suddenly dropped on me from the tree above my head,
It kind of represented every gift that he gave me in my life and every moment towards happiness that he had lead,
My heart was overfull with joy,
I felt like holding this moment and let it never pass by,
He was there with me every moment,
It was justified on my part to be so ardent.
I could feel my dearest God in every bit of nature around,
It was not just nature for me but was like God's arms that me surround.!!!!


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